Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So Javan is in New Zealand, well has been there for at least a month now he left on March 7, 2011. This week we're going down for Lashley's graduation in Tucson, AZ. We're sooooooo excited to see everyone!!! ANYWHO, MaryJo and I(Sarah) got feathers in our hair we have the tan and black & white stripped ones and she has a long red feather i have a purple one and we also got the sprakles/tisil in our hair as well. I had my first two competitions for this year. MY showchoir group name is Sweetharts. for our first competition we were in the novak/beggining girl group section. we placed second for that which we were all excited about. The second competition we were put in the imtermidate girl group section. We didn't place for that but then again they only announced 3rd,2nd, and 1st place. EVerybody in my group says that we placed like 5th our of 8. which isn't too bad but we were still pretty disappointed. Oh well we have another competition comig up soon. Umm, I don't think there's anything else thats happened this week. We'll keep ya posted though.